
October 20, 2022

We arrived at our snorkeling destination and received our instructions on how to use the equipment before getting into the water.  There is something wonderful about snorkeling; it feels like you are peering into another world that is not easily seen from above.  Phil pointed out a lot of different fish, more names than I can remember.  We saw a couple of sea turtles and Phil told us that when they are active, they need to surface every few minutes but when they are resting, they can stay underwater for two hours.

A woman on the paddle board told our guide that there were monk seals not too far away.   The Hawaiian Monk Seal is an endangered species.  We were told to keep our distance, if there was a mother with a pup, she could get aggressive.   Later I thought about the woman on the paddle board, we were pretty far out there, did she come out on a different boat and was it her job to help spot wildlife or had she paddled all the way out there?

Unfortunately, my underwater camera needs to be replaced.   The majority of pictures did not turn out.  I was glad that a few came out.


Categories: Hawaii, Maui | Leave a comment

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