Mandalay Bay

IMG_1261We spent a couple of days in Mandalay and the surrounding area.  I created blog engtries for IMG_1265specific stops but there were a few stops that didn’t warrant their own blog entry.

There were  a series of stops in Mandalay that were tourist stops including weaving workshops, puppet making, silver making etc.  Some of it was interesting and some of it was not interesting.  At each shop there were at least a few people mumbling about wondering  what were the tour guides or Viking River Cruises commission rate?  This was one of a series of workshops and the prices weren’t that good and it was set up for tourists.  As with previous stops there were signs with “Free WiFi” but there was no internet connectivity.

The boat was docked close to a school and it was fun to watch the kids being kids.  They boys were playing soccer and the girls were either watching the boys or doing something to entertain themselves.

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