Burmese Customs

IMG_0558As usual, I wake before sunrise and hurry up to get to the sun-deck to watch the sunrise.  They are as beautfiul as the sunsets.

Our first day, we were taught how to greet someone in Myanmar by saying “Mingalaba”, we hear it all the time and when we venture into the villages, the locals love it when we use it. The also taught us “Tata” which means good bye. This morning the ship put together a presentation o n Burmese Customs.  Each one of us were given a Longyi and we learned the many ways the Longyi could be used.  Both men and women wear Longyi but the patterns for the man and women are different.  I had no idea there were so many different ways a Longyi could be tied.

The tour guide and Thomas (the housekeeper) did a presentation on the many uses of the Longyi.  It was really funny and Thomas was a real ham.  It was a lot of fun to watch.

After the Longyi, the program director explained the Thanakha makeup.  It is made from the bark of a local tree by rubbing it against a stone with water until a paste is generated.  It is a sunscreen and most people apply a layer and then add designs.  Women paint leaves on their cheeks while men place circles and stripes.  Women and children almost always have it on, the majority of men wear it but I noticed not all the men wear it.






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