
May 14, 2005
I am really enjoying Guilin even though it is a hot and humid. I would not want to be around here during the summer. They say temps easily rise to over 100 F. I had a hard time just walking around the city.

There was an optional tour in the morning to a farm to see how they make Rice Wine.
Allan and I decided to take it easy and do some walking. As much as I enjoy everyone in the group it is nice to get a little time alone.



As Allan and I walked along the river, an elderly gentleman talked to us so he could practice his English. Turn out that he teaches at the local university and writes for a local newspaper. He once went to NY to interview a Nobel Prize winner. He also boasted about how he saw the Clinton’s with his own eyes when they came to Guilin.

Allan and I enjoyed watching the locals washing their clothes, swimming, bathing and fishing in the local river.

Elephant Trunk Hill
The group got back together and headed off to Elephant Trunk Hill which located on the west bank of the Li River, the hill resembles a huge elephant standing on the bank of the river, sucking up water with its long trunk.








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